Studio Sessions

Starting from $200

Watson photography theme comes with a custom services / pricing page template created especially for working photographers. This template includes a title and sub-title area, description area with all default WordPress text tools and option to use multiple shortcodes like columns, buttons and dividers, kenburns featured image area, an option to easily add some or all of your portfolio entries to a specific services page and an optional testimonials area to make your site that much credible.
[su_row class=”bordered”]
[su_column size=”1/3″]


No more than 3 people
1-2 hours on location
2 outfit changes
20 images
Lo-res images for web
Hi-res images on CD

[su_column size=”1/3″]


No more than 1 person
1-2 hours on location
2 outfit changes
20 images
Lo-res images for web
Hi-res images on CD

[su_column size=”1/3″]


No more than 5 people
1-2 hours on location
2 outfit changes
20 images
Lo-res images for web
Hi-res images on CD


[su_button url=”/contact” style=”watson” background=”#444444″ size=”6″ center=”yes” radius=”0″ text_shadow=”0px 2px 0px #282828″]Contact me for more information[/su_button]